What are Lord's Day services like at FCC?

If you are wondering what Sundays are like at FCC, this is a good place to get an understanding of what we do and why we do it. Below you will find some distinctive of our Lord's Day worship service, as well as some practical things. Beyond reading this portion of our website, we would love to meet you in person one week. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and connect with us. Thanks and we look forward to meeting you!

We gather around the Word

1. We read the Word.
You can be assured that when you come to FCC, you will hear the plain, pure, and unadulterated reading of the Word. During these times, our intent is to simply hear the Word read with no explanation. We do this for our call to worship, assurance of pardon, and benedictions. Sometimes these are longer portions of Scripture, and sometimes extremely brief portions.
2. We pray the Word
During our time together we pray prayers of adoration, thanksgiving, and pastoral prayers. Each of these prayers are intentional prayers that are centered around the Word being prayed.
3. We sing the Word. 
Singing is a heavily emphasized portion of our service. We believe the Bible commands the people of God to sing psalms. hymns, and spiritual songs, making a melody to the Lord in our hearts as we edify one another (Eph. 5:19). The emphasis is that the whole congregation sing together. We sing from hymnals but also have words on the screens. Our singing is lively and loud and serves as one of the greatest encouragements in the life of our church.
4. We preach the Word
Our normal practice is to preach expositionally through books of the Bible, word by word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter. There are times that we will take a break from the normal book we are preaching through to preach a series of something else. The emphasis of the preaching, however, is always to be accurate to the Scriptures by expositing the Word.
5. We see the Word
What we mean by this is that we see physical representations of the gospel in the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper. We practice weekly communion where we invite all believers who have been baptized and are walking in a manner worthy of the Lord to come to the table and enjoy the gospel feast of Christ's body and blood. Also, when necessary, we observe the ordinance of baptism.
6. We respond to the Word
We begin each of services with a hymn of preparation to prepare our hearts and mind to hear from the Lord. During our services, we respond by a time of worship through giving. And to end our services, we end with a time of solemn silence to reflect on the songs we have sung and the Word we have heard. Ultimately, we gather for the Word to transform us and our lives are constantly being transformed by the Word. 

We gather as the whole family

  • We enjoy the fellowship of one another on the Lord's day
You will experience the warm welcome of the family of God here at FCC. The joy and laughter, sorrow and tears of all ages are welcome to enjoy one another in our services. Our services are often preluded by the conversations of saints encouraging one another and getting to know one another. They also often end with extended time of fellowship. What a great sign of a camaraderie of faith in the life of a church when saints gather with joy to engage with one another.
  •  We enjoy the fellowship of all ages on the Lord's day
We believe that all generations of the family should be in the gathering together. The noises of little ones are a joy to see and hear in the life of our church. Children greatly benefit from being in the midst of the other saints as we worship God together. It is important to know that children are not a burden but a joy. To aid parents, we have plenty of space in the back of the sanctuary for you to take advantage of if needed. Also, we have a self use childcare room for parents to make use of however it is needed. If you have to take your children out of service for any reason, please return back to worship if you are able.

We gather for the glory of God

Our mission statement is "to gather and go for the glory of God!" We wish to embody the latin phrase from the Protestant Reformation, "Soli Deo Gloria", in our Lord's Day services. When the saints of God gather together under the authority of the Word of God with the people of God, then the result should be the glory of God. We are not interested in the glory of man, but solely the glory of God. Soli Deo Gloria.